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Babylon Bitcoin Staking: Top 10 things to know about the Mainnet Launch

Chorus One
Chorus One
August 19, 2024
5 min read
August 19, 2024
5 min read

The upcoming launch of Babylon’s Bitcoin Staking Mainnet marks a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency landscape and in the evolution of Bitcoin. Babylon is redefining the utility of Bitcoin by integrating it with Proof-of-Stake (PoS) systems, offering new opportunities for Bitcoin holders. Here’s what you need to know about this launch:

1. What is Babylon Bitcoin Staking?

Babylon’s Bitcoin Staking allows Bitcoin holders to participate in the security of PoS blockchains without transferring their assets to a third party. Traditionally, Bitcoin has been seen as a store of value, but Babylon expands its utility by enabling Bitcoin to play an active role in securing various PoS ecosystems. This is achieved through a trust-minimized protocol that connects Bitcoin holders with the demand for network security across multiple blockchain systems, including PoS chains. Read our comprehensive overview of Babylon here.

2. What is Babylon’s Mainnet Launch?

The mainnet launch of Babylon represents the transition from a developmental stage to a fully operational network. This is when the protocol becomes available for public use, allowing Bitcoin holders to start staking their assets on a live blockchain. The launch is designed to be phased, ensuring that each component of the network is thoroughly tested and integrated before moving to the next stage. This approach provides a structured rollout, allowing users to gradually engage with the staking process.

3. What Are the Three Phases of the Launch?

Babylon’s mainnet launch is divided into three distinct phases, each with specific goals and functionalities:

  • Phase 1: Bitcoin Locking
    • This phase initiates the staking process. Bitcoin holders can begin locking their Bitcoin by submitting Bitcoin staking transactions directly to the Bitcoin blockchain. These transactions secure the Bitcoin within a self-custodial staking script, where it is prepared to participate in PoS consensus validation. Stakers also designate a finality provider by specifying the provider's public key, allowing their Bitcoin to be used in the PoS process without actually transferring the Bitcoin to the provider.
  • Phase 2: Bitcoin Staking Activation
    • In this phase, Babylon will launch its PoS chain, which will begin receiving security from the Bitcoin locked in Phase 1. Finality providers who have received adequate delegations from Bitcoin stakers will participate in the consensus of the Babylon PoS chain, helping to determine the finality of its blocks. This phase also introduces the Bitcoin timestamping protocol, which ensures cross-chain time synchronization, a crucial aspect of maintaining security across multiple blockchains.
  • Phase 3: Bitcoin Multi-Staking Activation
    • The final phase transforms Babylon into a marketplace for shared security. This allows Bitcoin holders to stake their assets across multiple PoS systems, earning rewards from various sources. The Babylon PoS chain will act as a control plane, facilitating the staking process across different blockchains and ensuring that Bitcoin’s security is effectively leveraged across the ecosystem.

4. What Can You Do in the Babylon Mainnet Launch?

During the Babylon mainnet launch, Bitcoin holders can actively participate in securing PoS blockchains by locking and staking their Bitcoin. In Phase 1, you can initiate staking by locking your Bitcoin in a secure, self-custodial vault on the Bitcoin blockchain. As the launch progresses into Phase 2, your locked Bitcoin will begin to contribute to the consensus process of the Babylon PoS chain. By Phase 3, you’ll have the ability to stake your Bitcoin across multiple PoS chains, maximizing your potential rewards and playing a crucial role in the security of these networks.

5. How Can You Stake Your Bitcoin?

Staking your Bitcoin with Babylon is a multi-step process that begins in Phase 1:

  • Bitcoin Locking: Start by submitting a Bitcoin staking transaction to the Bitcoin blockchain. This locks your Bitcoin in a self-custodial script, ensuring that your assets remain secure and under your control.
  • Choosing a Finality Provider: When locking your Bitcoin, you will specify the public key of a finality provider like Chorus One, which is the entity that will use your Bitcoin’s staking power in the PoS system. If you hold the private key corresponding to this public key, you can self-delegate, retaining full control over your Bitcoin.
  • Staking Activation: In Phase 2, your locked Bitcoin will be activated to participate in PoS consensus, contributing to the security of the Babylon PoS chain.

6. What Rewards Can You Get?

In Phase 1, there are no direct staking rewards because the PoS chain is not yet active. Instead, Babylon introduces a point system to track staking activity. These points, though they do not have direct monetary value, could potentially be used for future benefits within the Babylon ecosystem. As the network progresses into Phase 2 and beyond, your Bitcoin will earn rewards based on its contribution to the security of the PoS systems, allowing you to gain value from your staked assets.

7. Which Wallets Can You Use?

To stake your Bitcoin with Babylon, you’ll need a compatible Bitcoin wallet. The official Babylon staking web application ( provides a list of verified finality providers and supports most Bitcoin wallets. You can also use third-party services such as staking websites, custody solutions, or command-line interface (CLI) tools if you are more technically inclined. It’s important to choose a wallet that meets your security needs and is compatible with the staking process. Here’s a list of supported wallets:

  1. OKX Wallet
    • Type: Software Wallet
    • Platforms: Web, Extension, Mobile
  2. Bitget Wallet
    • Type: Software Wallet
    • Platforms: Web, Extension, Mobile
  3. OneKey Wallet
    • Type: Hardware and Software Wallet
    • Platforms: Desktop, Mobile, Hardware Bridge, Extension, Web
  4. Binance Web3 Wallet
    • Type: Software Wallet
    • Platform: Binance App
  5. Tomo Wallet
    • Type: Software Wallet
    • Platforms: Extension, Mobile
  6. Keystone Wallet
    • Type: Hardware Wallet
  7. imToken Wallet
    • Type: Software and Hardware Wallet
    • Platform: Mobile

8. What Are the Transaction Details in Phase 1?

During Phase 1, all transactions are conducted on the Bitcoin blockchain. These include:

  • Staking Transactions: Used to lock Bitcoin and initiate the staking process.
  • Unbonding and Early Withdrawal Transactions: If you wish to withdraw your Bitcoin before the staking period expires, you’ll need to submit an unbonding transaction, followed by a withdrawal transaction after a waiting period of approximately seven days.
  • Automatic Expiration and Withdrawal: If you do not withdraw your Bitcoin early, it will automatically become available for withdrawal after 64,000 Bitcoin blocks (around 15 months).

Notably, there is no PoS slashing in Phase 1, meaning your staked Bitcoin is not at risk of being slashed for any consensus violations.

9. What Are the Limits and Caps in Phase 1?

To ensure security and broad participation, Phase 1 introduces several limits:

  • Total Staking Cap: Initially set at 1,000 Bitcoins, this cap controls the total amount of Bitcoin that can be staked during this phase. Stakes are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Minimum and Maximum Stakes: The minimum stake is set at 0.005 Bitcoins, ensuring that the staking amount can cover transaction fees. The maximum stake is capped at 0.05 Bitcoins, encouraging widespread participation and preventing any single entity from dominating the staking pool.

These caps and limits are designed to foster a secure and inclusive staking environment.

10. Eligibility and Security Considerations

Before participating in the Babylon mainnet launch, it’s crucial to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. Staking is prohibited for residents of certain countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and Mainland China, due to regulatory restrictions. Additionally, Babylon has implemented robust security features, such as the covenant committee, a multi-signature verification scheme that ensures the safety and correctness of unbonding transactions.

The Babylon Bitcoin Staking Mainnet launch represents a significant evolution in how Bitcoin can be used within the broader blockchain ecosystem. By participating in this launch, you can contribute to the security of PoS systems, earn rewards, and engage with one of the most innovative protocols in the cryptocurrency space. As the launch progresses, staying informed and involved will be key to maximizing your experience with Babylon.

Final word

And that's everything you need to know to be prepared for the mainnet launch. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter/X to stay ahead of the curve.

Ready to start? Stake your first BTC with Babylon and Chorus One today!

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally, operating infrastructure for 60+ Proof-of-Stake networks, including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near, amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures. We are a team of over 50 passionate individuals spread throughout the globe who believe in the transformative power of blockchain technology.