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The Chorus One approach to AVS selection
We outline Chorus One's thesis on the EigenLayer ecosystem, our strict onboarding policy, and our track record
May 9, 2024
5 min read

Our EigenLayer strategy is to onboard all the AVSs that have chances of being break-out winners, while filtering out the long tail of AVSs that introduce complexity and risk. With this combination, we aim to deliver the best risk-adjusted reward APY to users delegating their restaked assets to by Chorus One. The first section covers our thesis, the second our onboarding policy and the third our track record.

1: Our thesis

The EigenLayer ecosystem will have hundreds of AVSs and be the leading mechanism for Ethereum to scale and service billions of users.

We expect individual AVSs to follow a power law distribution in competency and success, similar to the patterns observed elsewhere in crypto. For Cosmos, an application-specific ecosystem similar to EigenLayer, this data-set shows 6 chains have over $1 billion circulating market cap, 16 are between $100 million and $1 billion, and 42 are under $100 million. Most Cosmos chains never achieve significant success, with market caps exceeding $100 million. The median chain barely gains traction and struggles for attention and impact. In the broader crypto market, there are ~14,000 tokens (from CoinGecko). The median token is illiquid. All the realized alpha in crypto lies in the outliers - the top 500 chains with market caps above $90 million and sufficient liquidity. AVSs will be similar - all the returns will exist in the top 20% of AVSs.

Not only are successful AVSs the exception, but there is major alpha in early participation in promising projects with no defined market value. Most AVS projects will spend significant time in a pre-launch phase where the mainnet service does not exist. Testnets are rolled out while the developers build functionality and product features. During this phase, there is no clarity on the economics of reward delivery of the AVS. There is also no market cap, token supply, or token price information to rely on. There are likely also caps on the number of operators that can be enrolled by the project developers for testing. Because of the lack of information and transparency in the market, the overall ecosystem of Node Operators (NO’s) and restakers cannot perfectly judge the project. Hence, outsized yields, can be produced. The EIGEN token delivers the best example of such an opportunity - it delivered returns to early restakers in the 30%-60% range, depending on when exactly the restakers participated and how trading markets stabilize.

It is possible (and a mistake) to onboard the entire long-tail of AVSs. Such an approach will radically boost infrastructure complexity and risk. Complexity and risk lead to the need to charge high commissions, thus reducing the risk-adjusted APY for restakers. Eventually, it accentuates slashing risk. Technical due diligence, that tests for originality and legitimacy of software work, as well as application of software development best practices has always been and continues to be the best method for filtering out the long tail, and narrowing focus on the break-out winners.

2: Our onboarding framework

We will apply our infrastructure effort in a subset of chains that pass our strict filtering criteria. When multiple AVSs pass our filtering criteria concurrently, our internal prioritization will look at the positive signals from the projects.

Our filtering criteria focuses on evaluating the software engineering of projects. Our method for evaluation consists of 3 parts:

  • Is there a development team on the other side following good code development practices? Any competent developer or developers will produce a trace of code changes, testing suites, logical parts with commit messages, issues, debates, discussions, technical whitepapers and documentation. If these are absent, chances are high that it is an unoriginal cut-paste job belonging to the long tail of AVSs.
  • Will running this code put Chorus One infrastructure at risk? Every AVS binary we run requires access to our internal network and access to some keys. These are critical resources that can be used to attack Chorus One if the development team is malicious. It is non-negotiable for us to be able to see the source code of the AVS, and for the code binary to require access to an isolated set of keys corresponding to (only) the AVS. This filter is important so that our infrastructure remains at low risk of slashing.
  • Will the project have release management conducive to running the network stably? This is the least important factor, because this can be upgraded at later parts of a project. The essence of it is that we will be running a binary, and be subject to network issues. Is there someone to reach out with help when issues are hit? Is there a consistent way to deal with security updates? Is there a clear communication channel? etc. Bad release management is indicative of a disengaged development team, again likely belonging to the long tail.

Our filtering criteria focuses not on the easily molded exteriors of the project - the website, the podcasts or the marketing - but rather on the hard to change signal-rich factors that usually accompany a winning project in crypto.

When multiple AVSs cross our filter and require prioritization, we will prioritize them depending on the following signals:

  1. Network or Product Idea: Is the service produced by the network novel and value generating for some segment of users?
  2. Work History and Team reputation: Are the early team members reputed or have significant prior contributions?
  3. Backing by reputable investors: Investment by investors is a way of developing more confidence in (1) and (2). As such, it is the weakest positive signal because it relies on hearsay, rather than first hand experience.

3: Our track record

We’ve applied a similar framework for our onboardings across Cosmos and in our venture investments. Chorus One is the most successful validator venture investor counting early participation in Solana, Lido, Celestia, Dymension, Saga, Wormhole, GogoPool, Neutron and Osmosis. In addition, we have infrastructure certifications highlighting the care with which we operate the networks.

Cosmos is the best example of an alternative application specific eco-system similar to EigenLayer. Our selection process, applied over 6 years has consistently picked all the top 20 chains, except two. On Cosmos, we have the best track record on participating with the governance processes of application specific chains.

Our early experience in EigenLayer, which includes research on network wide risk and slashing cascades, reinforces our belief in our onboarding process. We’ve encountered AVSs with plagiarized code, closed source code, and AVSs with key management systems that would expose our entire EigenLayer setup (operator key) to attack. These experiences have made it impossible for us to follow an “onboard all AVSs” path.

As a restaker with Chorus One, you derive the following benefits with our approach:

  • A Node Operator that takes infrastructure risk seriously, and is the best prepared for slashing features to go-live on the ecosystem.
  • A Node Operator that capitalizes on the gains from early participation in winning AVSs by investing all their energy in doing that well, instead of trying to onboard every below average project.

We will never be the operator with the most number of AVSs onboarded. And that works because it is far more critical to be early supporters of the break-out successes. Here’s to finding the gems early!

Restaking with Chorus One

Seamlessly restake with Chorus One using OPUS Pool:

Here's a step-by-step guide to using OPUS Pool:

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally, operating infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks, including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near, amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures. We are a team of over 50 passionate individuals spread throughout the globe who believe in the transformative power of blockchain technology.

Unveiling the EigenLayer AVSs selected by Chorus One: Part 1
Presenting the first batch of EigenLayer AVSs that Chorus One is registering.
April 12, 2024
5 min read

The EigenLayer ecosystem has emerged as a crucial driver of innovation and expanding the capabilities of the Ethereum network. As a leading node operator, we have taken a strategic, Safety over Speed approach to identifying and onboarding some of the most exciting Actively Validated Services (AVSs) that are set to transform the industry.

Let's dive into the first batch of EigenLayer AVSs that Chorus One is registering:

1. EigenDA: Scaling Data Availability for Rollups [Onboarded]

At the heart of the scalability challenges faced by Ethereum lie the complexities of data availability. EigenDA aims to tackle this problem head-on by providing a secure and scalable data availability solution for optimistic and zero-knowledge (ZK) rollups. By leveraging the restaking primitive developed by EigenLabs, EigenDA empowers rollups to access lower transaction costs, higher throughput, and robust security across the EigenLayer ecosystem.

Why we onboarded EigenDA: As the first AVS to launch on the EigenLayer mainnet, and its impressive $1 billion in total value locked (TVL), we see immense potential in supporting EigenDA and positioning it as a preferred solution for leading Layer 2 ecosystems, including the OP Stack.

2. Brevis: Trustless Co-Processing for Data-Rich Applications [Onboarded]

Brevis belongs to a class of solutions that thrive within the EigenLayer ecosystem – co-processor networks. These specialized networks extend the functionality of a stack to handle computationally intensive tasks, such as verifying complex data points for decentralized applications (dApps).

Brevis tackles the challenge of "data-rich" use cases, where retrieving and validating on-chain data can be both time-consuming and costly. By leveraging a novel "propose-challenge" model, Brevis generates ZK proofs to ensure the accuracy of its results, empowering applications in DeFi, user-segment optimization, and beyond to operate in a truly trustless manner.

Why we onboarded Brevis: Our decision to onboard Brevis as its second AVS was driven by the project's open-source codebase and the alignment with the team's vision. As a modular and efficient solution, Brevis aligns perfectly with Chorus One's commitment to driving innovation and supporting the growth of the decentralized ecosystem.

3. Eoracle: Bringing Transparency and Security to Oracle Networks

One of the biggest hurdles in the crypto industry has been the "oracle problem" – the challenge of reliably and securely bringing real-world data onto blockchain networks. Eoracle aims to address this issue by creating an Ethereum-native oracle solution that leverages the decentralization, transparency, and security of the Ethereum network.

Why are we onboarding Eoracle: As the "Data Validator" AVS operated by Chorus One, Eoracle connects node operators to compute, validate, and publish off-chain data to dApps in a secure and trustless manner. By tapping into the Ethereum validator set through EigenLayer, Eoracle represents a crucial step towards building a more robust and reliable oracle infrastructure for the decentralized ecosystem.

4. Lagrange:  Cryptographically secured proofs for the Multichain Future  

Inspired by Ethereum’s Sync Committee, Lagrange’s State Committee seeks to provide a robust, scalable, and shared security solution for cross-chain interoperability. This works by enabling multiple protocols to derive security from a shared security zone made up of a single, dynamic set of Ethereum nodes. Operators can deploy the Lagrange State Committees in combination with restaking through EigenLayer, to address the challenges with current approaches to cross-chain interoperability.

Why we are onboarding Lagrange: As the first zero knowledge AVS on Eigenlayer, we are excited to work with an innovative solution like Lagrange. With 15+ committed professional operators and over $2 billion in pledged security by leading LRTs, we feel confident in supporting Lagrange in addressing the security question in cross-chain interoperability.

5. AltLayer: Bridging the Rollup Ecosystem

AltLayer offers two key services that are highly relevant to the Ethereum ecosystem. The first is their Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) solution, which enables the fast and customized deployment of rollups. The second, and more pertinent to Chorus One, is their "Restaked Rollups" – a vertically integrated suite of three AVSs that leverage EigenLayer's shared security to support decentralized rollups.

Why are we onboarding AltLayer: AltLayer's Restaked Rollup solution addresses key challenges facing decentralized rollups, such as the need for a decentralized sequencer (SQUAD), a robust verifier (VITAL), and fast finality (MACH). By onboarding this comprehensive suite of AVSs, starting with their MACH AVS in this iteration, we aim to provide critical infrastructure and support to the broader rollup ecosystem, accelerating the growth and adoption of scalable decentralized applications.

6. Witness Chain: Incentivizing Fraud Proofs for Optimistic Rollups

Optimistic rollups offer a promising path to Ethereum scalability, but their security properties have been limited by the lack of clear incentives for validators to diligently search for and submit fraud proofs. Witness Chain addresses this challenge with its Watchtower protocol – a programmable, trustless, and decentralized service that uses a novel "proof of diligence" mechanism to incentivize validators to support optimistic rollups.

Why are we onboarding Witness Chain: By onboarding Witness Chain as an AVS, we aim to continue our ongoing commitment to strengthening the security and decentralization of the L2 ecosystem, which is a crucial component of Ethereum's scalability roadmap. As optimistic rollups continue to gain traction, Witness Chain's services will play a vital role in ensuring the long-term viability and trust in these scaling solutions.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series, where we'll explore the additional exciting AVSs that Chorus One is onboarding to the EigenLayer network, further expanding the potential of the EigenLayer and Restaking ecosystem.

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally, operating infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks, including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near, amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures. We are a team of over 50 passionate individuals spread throughout the globe who believe in the transformative power of blockchain technology.

EigenLayer Mainnet Launch + Delegations unlocked 🔥
Delegate Your ETH and LSTs to Chorus One with EigenLayer's latest upgrade.
April 9, 2024
5 min read

We are thrilled to share the latest update from the EigenLayer ecosystem – a highly anticipated upgrade that promises to provide stakers with greater control and flexibility over their staked assets. Effective today, April 9th, the EigenLayer mainnet launch unlocks a suite of new features and functionalities for both stakers and node operators.

EigenLayer M2 builds upon the existing M1 contracts that have been operational on the Ethereum mainnet. This major upgrade introduces a crucial new capability: the ability for users to delegate their restaked Ethereum (ETH) or liquid staking tokens (LSTs) to the node operator of their choice.

And as one of the leading node operators, we’re thrilled to announce that users can now delegate their restaked Ethereum (ETH) and Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) to Chorus One!

Offering a Seamless Restaking Experience

Delegating to Chorus One is a seamless and secure experience. Users can easily delegate to Chorus one via any of the following options:

Delegating via OPUS Pool

OPUS Pool is designed to make the restaking process effortless for our users. Here's a quick guide on how to delegate your assets through the OPUS Pool:

  1. Visit OPUS Pool and connect your wallet
  2. Head over to the Dashboard tab on the left menu bar
  3. Click on ‘Delegate to Chorus One’
  4. Confirm, and you’re all set!

You can find the detailed, step-by-step guide for OPUS Pool here:

Note: Restaking LSTs with EigenLayer is currently on hold and will resume once the deposit cap is raised. In the meantime, you are welcome to use OPUS Pool to stake any amount of ETH, mint osETH, and delegate your existing restaked LSTs.

Delegating via Chorus One’s Operator Profile on EigenLayer

Alternatively, you can directly delegate your assets to Chorus One via the EigenLayer dashboard. Here's how it works:

  1. Deposit your assets (ETH or LSTs) into EigenLayer using either the StrategyManager (for LSTs) or the EigenPodManager (for ETH).
  2. Navigate to Chorus One’s operator profile at
  3. Select Chorus One as your preferred node operator.
  4. Confirm the delegation transaction in your wallet.

By choosing either OPUS Pool or Chorus One’s operator profile on the EigenLayer dashboard, you can seamlessly delegate your assets to Chorus One and benefit from our tailored approach, enhanced MEV rewards, and top-tier security measures.

Please Note: The upgrade doesn't yet allow Operators to earn yield for services provided to an AVS or to be at risk of slashing for Operator misbehaviors.

Explaining EigenLayer’s M2 upgrade

At the heart of the M2 upgrade is the introduction of delegation capabilities, empowering stakers to choose the node operator they wish to delegate their assets to. Specifically, the M2 contracts will enable users to deposit their Ethereum (ETH) or liquid staking tokens (LSTs) into EigenLayer through the StrategyManager (for LSTs) or the EigenPodManager (for beacon chain ETH). Additionally, stakers will now be able to withdraw their assets via the DelegationManager, regardless of the asset type.

For node operators, the M2 upgrade introduces the ability to opt-in to providing services for Actively Validator Services (AVSs) using the respective AVS's middleware contracts. However, the current iteration of the M2 contracts does not yet enable node operators to earn yield for the services they provide to AVSs or expose them to the risk of slashing for any potential misbehaviors.

A strategic approach to AVS selection

In contrast to node operators who may prioritize onboarding as many AVSs as possible, Chorus One has adopted a more strategic and selective approach. Security is of paramount importance to us, and we meticulously vet each AVS before providing infrastructure support.

Our dedicated team thoroughly assesses the technical architecture and risk profile of every AVS under consideration. We leave no stone unturned, carefully evaluating factors such as the robustness of their systems, the soundness of their security protocols, and their overall risk appetite. Only those AVSs that meet our stringent criteria are granted access to our staking infrastructure.

This selective approach ensures that our users can have the utmost confidence in the management of their assets. By entrusting their stakes to Chorus One, our customers can rest assured that their funds are being handled with the highest levels of diligence and care, safeguarded by our rigorous vetting process.

To learn more about Chorus One's tailored approach to restaking, we encourage you to reach out to our team at Our team will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Ready to get started? Visit OPUS Pool and follow our detailed guide to easily delegate your assets to Chorus One.

The technical details of the M2 upgrade can be found in the official EigenLayer documentation, available at As the EigenLayer ecosystem continues to evolve, this latest milestone towards Mainnet promises to empower stakers and node operators alike, ushering in a new era of flexibility and control.

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally, operating infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks, including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near, amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures. We are a team of over 50 passionate individuals spread throughout the globe who believe in the transformative power of blockchain technology.

(Re)staking Synopsis: Edition #2
Restaking rises, EigenLayer unveils Holesky Testnet in step closer to Mainnet 🚀💪
March 28, 2024
5 min read

Welcome back to the another edition of the (Re)staking Synopsis, your go-to source for the latest in Ethereum staking, presented by Chorus One.

Cutting right to the chase: EigenLayer now holds the second spot in Total Value Locked (TVL) for a protocol, boasting over $12.8 billion USD (~3.6 million ETH) restaked. Impressively, nearly 2 million ETH has been natively restaked via EigenPods, marking a significant surge in restaking activity.

Additionally, the EigenLayer and EigenDA Holesky Testnet is live and thriving, with a staggering total of 157,433.0897 ETH already restaked! After a seamless testing phase on Goerli, we're thrilled to support this new phase as we progress towards Mainnet operations.

With a meticulously crafted AVS strategy, we prioritize the safety of the funds delegated to Chorus One. Learn more about restaking with Chorus One:

Without any further ado, let’s dive in.

Restaking In The News:
  1. Ethos works with liquid restaking protocols to secure Cosmos chains via EigenLayer
  2. EigenLayer teases mainnet's final roadmap before launch
  3. AltLayer enables token staking, unveils fast finality service for rollups
  4. Polyhedra Network and Renzo Secure Bitcoin Messaging with 1.8B USD Economic Staking

ETH Bites: On-chain Restaking Metrics

(Source: Dune Analytics)

  1. Total Restaked in USD: Over $12.8 billion (equivalent to 3.6 million ETH) has been restaked, at time of writing. In fact, EigenLayer has surpassed lending provider Aave to become the second-largest protocol by total value locked (TVL).
  1. Insights into Native Restaking: A significant volume of 1.96 million ETH has been restaked natively through EigenPods.
  1. Native vs LST restaking: Currently, 54.6% of ETH has been natively restaked, leading ahead of the 45.4% of restaked LSTs.

Staking and Restaking ETH with Chorus One
  1. Native Restaking: Want to stake ETH and restake directly with EigenLayer? Use OPUS Dedicated.

OPUS Dedicated enables you to set up dedicated ETH validators, and directly restake your staked ETH with EigenLayer in a few clicks.

Note: At present, you can only deposit your staked ETH into EigenLayer; the option to delegate to Chorus One will be possible upon the EigenLayer Mainnet.

We will notify you once the delegation feature on EigenLayer becomes operational, indicating that it's time to delegate your restaked ETH. At that point, you will be able to delegate to Chorus One with just a few clicks.

Visit OPUS Dedicated

How to restake ETH with EigenLayer

  1. Liquid Restaking: Want to stake ETH, mint osETH, and restake liquid staking tokens to EigenLayer? Use OPUS Pool

OPUS Pool enables you to stake any amount of ETH, mint osETH, and restake a variety of LST’s including osETH, cbETH, stETH, and more directly with EigenLayer in a just a few clicks.

Note: Restaking LSTs with EigenLayer is currently on hold and will resume once the deposit cap is raised. In the meantime, you are welcome to use OPUS Pool to stake any amount of ETH and mint osETH.

Visit OPUS Pool

How to Stake ETH and mint osETH

Latest Ethereum Research & Insights by Chorus One
  1. On the risks of restaking with EigenLayer and how Chorus One maintains a security first approach to your assets.

Read it here.

  1. MEV-Withdrawal Bug

MEV-Boost targets the highest bid for Ethereum block space. However, a glitch arises when blocks include withdrawals, distorting the MEV valuation and making some bids appear more valuable than they really are, leading to losses for proposers.

Beyond individual losses, this issue has wider implications for the Ethereum ecosystem, inflating proposers' profits, cutting down overall transactions and gas usage, and consequently, decreasing ETH burning.

Our research team analysed the full impact of this bug, originally published on ETHResearch.

Quick summary

Full research

  1. Client Diversity

We explore how Ethereum's resilience is shaped by client diversity, offering an in-depth analysis of two of its most prominent Consensus Layer (CL) clients: Lighthouse and Teku.

Read it here.

Final word

If you’re interested in staking/restaking with Chorus One, or learning more, simply reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to get back to you!

Additionally, if you’d like us to share further resources on any topic, please let us know!

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally operating infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks, including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near, amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures.

RollApps and beyond: A comprehensive guide to Dymension
Chorus One is proud to invest and provide insitutional-grade staking services for Dymension
February 7, 2024
5 min read

After what might have been the most anticipated launch so far, we're thrilled to be part of the continued innovation of blockchain technology by championing Dymension, as they work to pioneer the 'Internet of RollApps' with their unique modular features. Chorus One runs a public validator node and has also invested in Dymension through Chorus Ventures.

Dymension makes it easy for anyone to create and deploy their own blockchain, while providing its users the infrastructure and flexibility to scale and compete with other modern-day blockchain implementations.

In this guide, we'll cover what Dymension is and how it's pushing the boundaries of blockchain capabilities.

What is Dymension?

Unlike traditional blockchains that integrate data availability, consensus, settlement, and execution into a single layer, Dymension adopts a modular approach. This innovative method allows delegating one or more of these components to external chains, significantly enhancing performance, scalability, and efficiency.

Dymension aims to improve upon the current reliance on shared bandwidth systems used by many popular blockchains by using a multi-layer blockchain protocol. Consisting of a network of modular blockchains, known as "RollApps", these blockchains are powered by the Dymension Hub which is responsible for both consensus and settlement.

While initially the Dymension team will oversee RollApp approvals, the network aims to evolve into a permissionless ecosystem with the ultimate goal of serving as a decentralization router that connects RollApps to the crypto economy. In the long run, this will allow Dymension to be a "Internet Service Provider" for crypto and blockchain technologies.  

To further detail its architecture, Dymension utilizes the Cosmos SDK for interoperability across blockchains, enabling RollApps to efficiently communicate and transact. The use of Tendermint Core for consensus ensures high security and fast transactions across the network. This technical foundation allows Dymension to support a wide range of applications, from finance to gaming, by providing developers with the tools to create highly scalable and customizable solutions.

As Dymension evolves, its architecture is designed to support a growing ecosystem of decentralized applications, ultimately facilitating a seamless connection between users and blockchain services on a global scale.

Dymension's unique proposition lies in its sophisticated modular architecture, designed to decentralize and optimize the components of blockchain functionality. By enabling external chains to handle aspects like data availability, consensus, and execution separately, it aims to not only significantly boost performance but also provide improved scalability and efficiency for all.

Here's how the Dymension team explains the ecosystem:

Dymension is similar to a full-stack web application where users interact with RollApps (front-end), Dymension (back-end) acts as the coordinator for the ecosystem, and the data availability networks (database) provide a place to publicize data.

Key features of Dymension
  • Modular blockchain network: Dymension is a network of modular blockchains called Rollapps offering a flexible alternative to traditional, monolithic blockchain structures like Ethereum.
  • RollApp ecosystem: The network is composed of RollApps, which are modular blockchains responsible for executing transactions within the network, which provides significant flexibility and enhanced performance.
  • Dymension Hub: This central element of the network is responsible for both consensus and settlement, streamlining these critical blockchain functions.
  • Liquidity: Dymension uses an embedded Automated Market Maker (AMM) designed to expose RollApps to efficient asset routing, price discovery, and most importantly shared liquidity for the entire ecosystem.
  • Data availability partnership: Dymension compliments external data availability providers such as Celestia, ensuring robust and efficient data management at scale.
  • IBC implementation: Dymension utilizes the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC), which is critical for facilitating seamless interaction between different blockchain networks.
  • User-friendly RollApp creation: The platform enables easy creation of RollApps, allowing developers to efficiently build and deploy execution layers.
  • Staking mechanics: Using the Cosmos SDK chain, Dymension allows participants to stake or unstake tokens with validators, contributing to the network's security and integrity.
  • Community and developer support: Dymension offers in-depth education, resources, and documentation and is supported by an active community on platforms like GitHub, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram.
Staking mechanics of Dymension

Using the Cosmos SDK, Dymension incorporates a staking mechanism that enables participants to stake or unstake tokens with validators. This feature is central to maintaining the security and integrity of the network, allowing stakeholders to contribute to the ecosystem actively.

To kick off Genesis Rolldrop Season 1, Dymension is working to incentivize its users and builders by providing a significant allocation of tokens to pay tribute to three verticals within crypto, culture, money, and tech.

The tokenomics ($DYM) as of Feb 6th is as follows:  

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Chorus One Valoper address: dymvaloper1ema6flggqeakw3795cawttxfjspa48l4x0e2mh


The Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol is an important aspect of Dymension. IBC is a battle-tested bridging protocol that allows secure communication between different chains. RollApps connect to the IBC economy via Dymension Hub, similar to how a server connects to the internet via an internet service provider.

Dymension is working to reduce the reliance on centralized and commonly used multi-sig bridges prevalent in Ethereum and L2 ecosystems with IBC-connected rollups. By utilizing IBC for rollups, Dymension validates that all funds deposited into a RollApp are as secure as the Dymension Hub itself.

Chorus One's involvement with Dymension

We firmly believe Dymension stands at the forefront of the next generation of blockchain technology, with its modular architecture promising to improve upon scalability and efficiency challenges faced by traditional blockchains. As supporters and collaborators, we continue to advise the team to best position themselves for a successful mainnet launch and beyond.  

We are excited about the potential of Dymension to revolutionize the blockchain ecosystem, reinforcing our commitment to innovation and the growth of blockchain technology.

Useful Links and Resources:

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally operating infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks, including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near, amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures.

Introducing the OPUS Pool: ETH staking for All
Stake any amount of ETH, mint osETH, and restake with EigenLayer in a single move.
February 6, 2024
5 min read

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Chorus One's newest offering: the OPUS Pool. Until recently, a minimum threshold of 32 ETH was required for users to stake ETH on OPUS. But not anymore! Going forth, users may stake any amount of ETH directly via the OPUS Pool, mint osETH, and deposit into EigenLayer in one go.

Users have the extra benefit of depositing not only osETH, but any other accepted liquid staking tokens (currently, wbETH, rETH, cbETH, stETH, oETH , ankrETH , swETH, ETHx)  into EigenLayer through the OPUS Pool!

Additionally, Institutional clients can leverage the OPUS SDK to integrate ETH staking into their offerings, providing their customers with all the benefits of the OPUS Pool seamlessly.

Start using OPUS Pool to stake ETH. Visit  

In this article, we’ll dive into why we launched the OPUS Pool, its benefits, how it’s different from existing liquid staking options, and how you can deposit various liquid staking tokens including osETH, wbETH, rETH, cbETH, stETH, oETH , ankrETH , swETH, ETHx into EigenLayer in a single move on the OPUS Pool.

Liquid Staking vs Traditional Staking

Liquid staking is a mechanism that enhances traditional staking by introducing liquidity to staked assets. Unlike traditional staking, which necessitates locking up cryptocurrency to support a network’s operations and security, liquid staking allows participants to retain the fluidity of their assets. Through liquid staking, users stake their crypto with a liquid staking protocol and receive a token in return—this token symbolizes the staked amount and any accrued rewards or penalties.

The critical distinction lies in the usability of these new tokens: they can be freely traded or utilized within the DeFi ecosystem, thus allowing stakers to earn additional yields or use them as collateral in various financial protocols. This creates a dual advantage by enabling participation in network validation and security processes, akin to traditional staking, while simultaneously providing liquidity and opportunities to compound rewards in the broader DeFi space.

The OPUS Pool democratizes access to staking rewards by removing barriers such as minimum staking requirements and the need for technical infrastructure, making it an attractive option for a wider range of investors.

The OPUS Pool: What is it, Benefits, and Use Cases

The OPUS platform, initially requiring a 32 ETH minimum for validator node operation, has evolved. Now, anyone can stake any amount of ETH (and even restake them) with Chorus One, using our OPUS Pool.

The OPUS Pool, powered by Stakewise smart contracts which have undergone rigorous auditing by esteemed security firms, not only facilitates greater participation in securing the network but also allows a wider range of Chorus One stakers to earn rewards and gain access to a suite of benefits, including top-tier MEV yields, low fees, and the assurance of enterprise-grade security, among others.

The Unique Benefits of OPUS Pool

  1. Stake any amount of ETH and mint osETH

As previously mentioned, the OPUS Pool enables any user to stake any amount of ETH and receive rewards instantly. Additionally, users have the ability to mint osETH, a liquid staking derivative, and use it in DeFi or deposit into EigenLayer to gain additional rewards directly on OPUS Pool in one go.

  1. Low Fees

The OPUS Pool sets itself apart from current liquid staking protocols by offering users the advantage of highly competitive staking fees. At just 5%, our fees are among the lowest in the industry, making it more accessible for a broader spectrum of users to stake their ETH and earn rewards.

  1. Top-Tier MEV Yields:

As pioneers in MEV research, our latest ace, Adagio, is an MEV-Boost client that changes how transactions are handled for increased MEV capture.

Adagio's design allows for more efficient interactions with Ethereum’s transaction supply chain, directly enhancing MEV rewards for stakers. Fully integrated with OPUS Pool validators, Adagio ensures that anyone staking on OPUS Pool can benefit from these increased MEV rewards.

Want to learn more about Adagio and its mechanics? Read all about it here.

  1. Restake osETH, wbETH, rETH, cbETH, stETH, oETH , ankrETH , swETH, ETHx  with EigenLayer in One Go.

OPUS Pool offers a unique feature: users can deposit not only osETH minted through OPUS Pool but also liquid staking derivatives like osETH, stETH, cbETH, and rETH minted on other platforms, directly into EigenLayer.

This flexibility allows users to either mint osETH with OPUS Pool and deposit it into EigenLayer, or bring in any accepted liquid staking derivatives and seamlessly deposit them into EigenLayer in a single step.

Before we delve into the specifics of starting your staking journey with OPUS Pool, let's first understand what restaking is and how it's executed through EigenLayer.

Restaking and EigenLayer in a Gist

Restaking in the context of Ethereum, as defined by Vitalik Buterin, is a process that allows Ethereum stakers to extend their staked assets' utility beyond the Ethereum network. It means that while your ETH remains staked on Ethereum, you can also leverage its staking power across other blockchain networks. This innovative approach enables new blockchain networks to utilize Ethereum's established validators and staked tokens for securing their trust systems.

Restaking offers stakers the flexibility to contribute to the security of multiple networks, potentially earning rewards, verifying trust, or engaging in blockchain events. It represents an evolution in blockchain participation, broadening the scope and impact of staked assets without requiring additional token allocation.

EigenLayer revolutionizes this concept by implementing smart contracts on Ethereum to facilitate restaking.

It creates a market-driven ecosystem where security is pooled and governed by supply and demand. Users that stake $ETH can opt-in to EigenLayer smart contracts to restake their $ETH and extend cryptoeconomic security to additional applications on the network. Part of EigenLayer’s potential, therefore, lies in its ability to aggregate and extend security through restaking and to validate new applications being built on top of Ethereum.

Actively Validated Services (AVS), essentially new projects or applications building on Ethereum, can tap into this pool, consuming security based on their needs while validators contribute at their discretion, weighing risks and rewards. This system negates the need for AVSs to establish their own validator networks, instead allowing them to utilize Ethereum’s existing security infrastructure.

For a more comprehensive overview of EigenLayer and how it addresses current challenges in Ethereum security, please read our latest blog.

How does the OPUS Pool Work?

Currently, there are two ways in which you can use the OPUS Pool. The first method involves minting your osETH through OPUS Pool and depositing it directly into EigenLayer, while the second method enables you to skip minting osETH and directly deposit any accept liquid staking tokens (osETH, cbETH, stETH, rETH) directly into EigenLayer on the OPUS Pool.

Both methods are made as simple as possible to enhance your staking experience, and can be completed in just 3 steps, as described below:

  1. Stake ETH, Mint osETH, Deposit osETH into EigenLayer on OPUS Pool in the same flow.

Step 1: Connect your wallet on the OPUS Pool page and deposit some ETH into the pool.

Step 2: Once deposited successfully, you can now mint your osETH in 1-click.

Step 3: Deposit your osETH into EigenLayer.

  1. Bring your liquid staking derivatives (osETH, cbETH, stETH, rETH) minted on any external platform and deposit them into EigenLayer through OPUS Pool.

Step 1: Go to the OPUS Pool page, select Restake and connect your wallet

Step 2: Select token of your choice (osETH/stETH/cbETH/rETH ) and enter amount to Restake

Step 3: Deposit your tokens into EigenLayer


Our institutional customers may opt in to leverage the OPUS SDK to integrate ETH staking into their offerings, providing their customers with all the benefits of the OPUS Pool seamlessly.

This allows our institutional client’s customers to benefit from all the  features offered by the OPUS Pool, including no minimum ETH required to stake, top tier-MEV yields, high rewards, and direct restaking with EigenLayer.

Ready to Stake?

For a more detailed, step-by-step explanation of how you can stake your ETH and deposit into EigenLayer, please view our guide here.

To start staking on OPUS Pool, visit

For institutions interested in learning more about the OPUS Pool SDK, please get in touch with our team at


A step-by-step guide to staking ETH on OPUS Pool

Restake with EigenLayer Seamlessly via Chorus One's OPUS Pool: A Detailed Guide

Learn more about Adagio, Chorus One’s pioneering Ethereum MEV-Boost client

MEV Max - Introducing Chorus One’s Liquid Staking Pool on Stakewise V3

Considerations on the Future of Ethereum Staking

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally operating infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures.

Chorus One Reflections #2: Product Highlights
Catch up on Chorus One's major product highlights from 2023
December 12, 2023
5 min read

For Chorus One, 2023 was the year of OPUS, our novel multi-chain staking solution.

Following months of dedicated development aimed at simplifying staking for investors, we proudly unveiled our flagship product, OPUS, at the wake of this year.

As the year unfolded, our commitment to perfecting OPUS remained steadfast. We fine-tuned various details, actively sought and incorporated customer feedback, and focused on continuous improvement to ensure that staking is as seamless and stress-free as possible. Below, we share the major highlights from OPUS's journey in 2023.

Dive in!

Major Milestones
  1. In April, we launched OPUS, Chorus One’s multi-chain staking solution

OPUS is the simplest staking solution for investors and institutions.

  • It simplifies high-reward staking for exchanges, custodians, institutions and investors by offering a non-custodial solution that is easy to use.
  • With OPUS, you have the option to self-stake or provide staking services for your customers.
  • You can start generating rewards right away and scale your staking indefinitely.


All you need to know about OPUS:

Start staking on OPUS:

Learn more:

  1. We simplified staking further by enabling staking up to 8000ETH in one, single transaction

When it comes to staking ETH, a recurring challenge arises - the requirement to sign multiple transitions for substantial deposits. This complexity has been especially a persistent hurdle in the path of institutional stakers. To combat this, we’ve devised a solution that streamlines institutional staking: the ability to seamlessly stake 8000ETH , or 250 validators in a SINGLE transaction.

Full details:

  1. We launched ‘MEV Max - our liquid staking pool on Stakewise V3’

We launched our liquid staking pool on Stakewise V3, enabling individuals to stake any amount of ETH and benefit from Chorus One’s enterprise-grade staking infrastructure and industry-leading MEV yields!  

Additionally, staking on Chorus One’s pool enables users to unstake at any time, or utilize their staked ETH capital throughout DeFi.

You can start staking on our vault here.

To learn more, check out the following resources:

  1. Announcing Chorus One’s MEV Max vault on Stakewise V3
  2. A comprehensive guide to Stakewise V3
  3. A step-by-step guide to staking ETH on StakeWise V3

4. We launched the first-ever ‘Bridge & Stake’ solution for DYDX

In tandem with our support for dYdX Chain, we also launched the first ‘Bridge and Stake’ solution for DYDX - enabling users to bridge and stake their tokens from Ethereum to Cosmos in one, single, seamless move.

Full details:

Bridge and Stake your DYDX here:  

A refresher on OPUS features

Next, we review the substantial product updates implemented in 2023, driven by customer requests and feedback.

  1. Live Reward Reports

The OPUS dashboard makes it incredibly easy for you to access comprehensive details about your staking rewards, including separate reports that highlight your Execution level, Consensus level, and MEV rewards individually.

In fact, Chorus One stands out as the only node operator equipped with an in-house quant team exclusively focusing on MEV and exploring the intricacies of MEV extraction through evidence-based research. We consistently fine-tune our infrastructure, ensuring seamless integration with the Ethereum MEV pipeline.


A sneak peek at validator side MEV optimization

MEV Matters: Decoding Chorus One’s winning MEV strategy

Hedging LP positions by staking

Exploring MEV implications and Cross-Domain dynamics on dYdX v4

Visit our MEV page to learn more:

  1. 360 degree overview of ETH stake position

As a user, you can get a comprehensive 360-degree perspective of your ETH stake position on the OPUS dashboard. Instantaneously view your total stake, all-time rewards earned, and validator performance within seconds.

  1. Improved Unstaking Capability

OPUS offers customers a seamless, non-custodial experience for staking, earning rewards, rewards reporting, and unstaking. Our most recent product update from November makes the process of unstaking ETH as smooth as possible.

  1. Custom withdrawal address

The OPUS dashboard gives you the freedom to personalize your withdrawal address with the wallet you prefer. Unlike conventional staking platforms, where your connected wallet automatically serves as your withdrawal address, OPUS allows you to set your own preferred withdrawal address.

  1. Guided Staking flows

The OPUS dashboard provides step-by-step guidance throughout the staking process, making it easier for you as the user to grasp and navigate the entire staking journey.

  1. Automated rewards payout

By 2024, OPUS customers will receive periodic automated rewards that will be adjusted for fees on-chain. Say goodbye to manual invoicing!

Reach out!

If you’d like to learn more about OPUS, speak with our team, or start staking with us, please reach out at We look forward to hearing from you.

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally operating infrastructure for 45+ Proof-of-Stake networks including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures.

Chorus One Reflections #1: A snapshot of Chorus One 2023
#1 of our Reflections series, which wraps up Chorus One's key milestones in 2023
December 8, 2023
5 min read

As another eventful year comes to a close, we're thrilled to present Reflections - a series that rounds up Chorus One's activities in 2023.

The first edition of Reflections takes a look at some of the major company headlines we released throughout the year. Dive in!

Company Initiatives
  1. We secured the ISO 27001:2022 Certification

Ensuring the security of our customers' assets and information has always been our foremost priority at Chorus One.

In October, we proudly announced a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to establishing world-class security measures for our customers: the attainment of the ISO 27001:2022 certification - one of the very few node operators in the industry to do so.

Full details:

Visit Chorus One’s security page:  

  1. Unveiled Red Horizon

We launched Red Horizon, a platform designed to streamline developers’ interaction with the Urbit server.

Learn more:

Visit the Red Horizon website:

  1. We published MEV Matters: Decoding Chorus One’s winning MEV strategy

As an industry leader in MEV research, we shared our approach to MEV this year. In the article, also featured by Flashbots’ in their July newsletter edition, we delve into the MEV extraction process, highlight key players, and offer insights into our MEV strategy.

Check it out here:

Key Partnerships
  1. Ledger Live x Chorus One

We announced our partnership with Ledger, the global security platform for digital assets and NFTs.

Ledger extended its compatibility with the Cosmos ecosystem in May, and Chorus One is currently supporting this integration by providing our validator services, enabling over a million Ledger Live users to leverage the bolstering Cosmos ecosystem and stake numerous tokens, including Onomy (NOM), Quicksilver (QCK), Persistence (XPRT), Injective (INJ) and more through nodes operated by Chorus One.

Learn more:

  1. BitGo x Chorus One

Following our mutually co-hosted breakfast side event at Token2049 Singapore, we were pleased to announce a significant milestone in our collaboration with BitGo, a prominent regulated custody, financial services, and core infrastructure provider.

BitGo partnered with Chorus One to expand staking for a diverse range of networks, including Sui, Sei, Injective, Osmosis, and Agoric. This collaboration underscores our longstanding relationship, spanning over a year, and solidifies our position as a preferred staking provider for institutions seeking security, compliance, and cutting-edge research.

Full details:

  1. Fordefi x Chorus One

We announced our partnership with Fordefi, a leading MPC wallet platform and web3 gateway that enables institutions to seamlessly connect to dApps across networks, while securing their digital assets. This partnership currently facilitates Chorus One’s OPUS customers to stake and unstake multiple tokens using the Fordefi wallet inside the OPUS dashboard.

Learn more:

  1. Qredo x Chorus One

We announced that Qredo, a premier self-custody protocol and platform, joined forces with Chorus One to expand staking accessibility for investors. From seamless staking to enhanced security measures, this partnership empowers users with a secure and efficient staking experience.

As part of the partnership, Chorus One's OPUS users can directly stake and unstake multiple tokens through Qredo Wallets. This eliminates the complexities associated with managing multiple wallets and platforms, making staking more accessible to a broader range of investors.

Full details:

  1. Nexus Mutual x Chorus One

In the interest of safeguarding investors from potential staking penalties, this year we partnered with Nexus Mutual, the leading decentralized coverage provider, to introduce a range of staking coverage options for our customers.

We were the first node operator to purchase on-chain staking coverage to protect our customers through Nexus Mutual’s innovative tokenised cover.

Full details:

Research Milestones
  1. A sneak-peek at validator side MEV optimization

We provide a glimpse into the results of our first pilot on the Ethereum mainnet, which combines several modifications that positively impact MEV extraction. This piece was also featured by Flashbots' in their November newsletter!

Read it here:

  1. We published the industry’s first-ever exploration of mitigating negative MEV externalities in a fully decentralized, validator-driven order book

Our research team published a pioneering research report, fueled by a grant from dYdX, that examines the implications of Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) within the context of dYdX v4 from a validator's perspective.

This comprehensive analysis presents the first-ever exploration of mitigating negative MEV externalities in a fully decentralized, validator-driven order book. Additionally, it delves into the uncharted territory of cross-domain arbitrage involving a fully decentralized in-validator order book and other venues.

This paper, marking a significant milestone in exploring MEV dynamics, identifies factors that influence undesirable MEV extraction, and proposes concrete strategies to level the playing field in derivative trading by counteracting such behavior.

Read the report:

Report TL;DR:

  1. We published Eth-Staking-Smith: A novel tool that optimizes Ethereum validator key management

In January, we released ‘Eth-staking-smith’, an optimized, open-source Ethereum validator key-gen tool to facilitate key and deposit data generation.

The tool, an industry-first, streamlines the often complex Ethereum validator key management process, especially when dealing with it on a large scale.

Learn more:

  1. We released the Solana-MEV client: an alternative way of capturing MEV on Solana

We published a whitepaper comparing key characteristics of Ethereum and Solana, which explores the block-building marketplace model, akin to the "flashbots-like model," and examines the challenges of adapting it to Solana.

Additionally, recognizing Solana's unique features, we also proposed an alternative to the block-building marketplace: the solana-mev client. This model enables decentralized extraction by validators through a modified Solana validator client, capable of handling MEV opportunities directly in the banking stage of the validator. Complementing the whitepaper, we also shared an open-source prototype implementation of this approach.

Learn More:

Product Highlights
  1. We launched OPUS - Chorus One’s Multi-Chain Staking Solution

OPUS is the simplest staking solution for investors and institutions.

  • It simplifies high-reward staking for exchanges, custodians, institutions and investors by offering a non-custodial solution that is easy to use.
  • With OPUS, you have the option to self-stake or provide staking services for your customers.
  • You can start generating rewards right away and scale your staking indefinitely.


A guide to OPUS:  

All you need to know about OPUS:

Start staking on OPUS:

  1. MEV MAX - Introducing Chorus One’s Liquid Staking Pool on Stakewise V3

We’re thrilled to have launched our liquid staking pool on Stakewise v3, enabling individuals to stake any amount of ETH and benefit from Chorus One’s enterprise-grade staking infrastructure and industry-leading MEV yields!  

Additionally, staking on Chorus One’s pool enables users to unstake at any time, or utilize their staked ETH capital throughout DeFi.

You can start staking on our vault here.

To learn more, check out the following resources:

  1. Simplified Staking: Stake up to 8000ETH in One Transaction

In September of this year, we made it possible for OPUS users to stake up to 8000ETH in one, single transaction, eliminating the cumbersome process of signing multiple transitions for substantial deposits.

Learn more:

Stake on OPUS:  

  1. We introduced the first ‘Bridge and Stake’ solution for DYDX

In tandem with our support for dYdX Chain, we also launched the first ‘Bridge and Stake’ solution for DYDX - enabling users to bridge and stake their tokens from Ethereum to Cosmos in one, single, seamless move.

Full details:

Bridge and Stake your DYDX here:  

Networks Added
  1. January - March

We announced staking support for Gnosis Chain (GNO), Onomy (NOM), Mars (MARS), and Kyve Network (KYVE) in the first quarter of 2023. Learn more and find out how you can stake GNO, MARS, or KYVE with Chorus One:

Gnosis Chain:




  1. April - June

We announced staking support for Aptos (APT), and Sui (SUI) in the second quarter of 2023. Learn more and find out how you can stake each network with Chorus One:



  1. July - September

We announced staking support for Archway (ARCH), Sei Network (SEI)  in the third quarter of 2023. Learn more and find out how you can stake each network with Chorus One:



  1. October - December

We announced staking support for dYdX Chain (DYDX), Celestia (TIA), and Chainflip (FLIP) in the fourth quarter of 2023. Learn more and find out how you can stake each network with Chorus One:

dYdX Chain:



Next Up: Keep your eyes peeled for Edition #2 of our Reflections series, coming soon! 

About Chorus One

Chorus One is one of the biggest institutional staking providers globally operating infrastructure for 45+ Proof-of-Stake networks including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the PoS industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures.

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